2021 – Year In Review

The “Network for Religion, Media, and Civic Life” bridges academia, journalists, and policymakers with interfaith actors and communicators to increase the public understanding of religion and its impacts in many domains:

Here’s my “top ten” memories from the Year of the Metal Ox:

10. Pacific Coast Band: Retrospect (2005-2020)
9. “The Flying Saucer Song” is a certified international #1 hit radio single
8. Patrick Horn presents the Pacific Coast Band: Live! in Los Angeles (11/11/21)

“The Son of White Buffalo Calf Woman” is a musician who united the world’s religions. On 4/20, critically-acclaimed, award-winning singer-songwriter Patrick Horn announced a career-spanning anthology of favorite demos, rehearsal recordings, and live performances, Retrospect, which was reviewed by veteran entertainment reporter Carl Kozlowski (Radio Titans, Pasadena Weekly, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, GQ). During the artist interview, Horn revealed a biopic in-development and new music in-production. A promotional cover song for a Spotify partnership resulted in the exponential growth of social media followers, mostly female youth in South Africa and southeast Asia.

The Flying Saucer Song” reached #1 in the United Kingdom and Spain, #3 in Los Angeles, #4 in Australia, #5 in the United States (AL, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, MA, ME, MO, NM, NY, OH, PA, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI, WY), #8 in Japan, and #13 worldwide in more than 20 countries (Austria, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Scotland, So. Africa, Sweden)!

On 11/11, Patrick returned to Kulak’s Woodshed (the world-famous N. Hollywood 49-seat music listening room “for beginners to Grammy Winners” with HD livestreaming and audio ProTools operated by volunteers and sponsored by donations) to record a new showcase with an ensemble. The EP Live! In Los Angeles is now available exclusively at www.pacificcoastband.com and will be distributed to all platforms 1/11/22.

7. #TheWorldTeacherIsHere – Fellow, USC CRCC Institute for Digital Civic Culture (IDCC)
(Self-Mastery, Community-Building, Productive Disagreement)

THE WORLD-TEACHER PROJECT is an educational and diplomatic mission allied with a vast coalition working through the Internet with maximum creativity and flexibility for environmental stewardship and social action aimed at justice and peace. The Project Manager fosters connections and strategic partnerships, facilitates and moderates conversation, and coordinates action toward common goals. The main task of the Manager is to build relationships: network, listen, influence with strong intelligence, and serve with a spirit of generosity and compassion.

PROJECT MANAGER: Patrick Horn studied Interfaith Leadership at Dominican University, received diplomatic certification from KAICIID, and obtained security clearance and consultative status  at the United Nations Economic and Social Council through the United Religions Initiative  (a non-governmental organization). He was recruited in graduate school by the Intelligence Community Center of Academic Excellence to investigate the intersection of religious doctrine, economies, and global security, with an emphasis on narrative for social mobilisation, conflict resolution, and peace-building. He also earned credentials at the Emergency Management Institute as a competent leader and effective communicator in disaster. He was a real estate broker, language arts teacher, and musician before a car crash in Los Angeles. Patrick is a public scholar [“World-Teacher”] at the American Academy of Religion, and in 2021, he joined the advisory board of One Global Family Alliances and the Unity and Diversity World Council Committee for Environmental Stewardship. He is also a trained member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

Patrick is an initiated member of the Vedanta Society, and he was indoctrinated and ordained as a rajarshi, Philosopher-King (or, Guardian of Truth and the Republic).

6. Religion Communicators Council: End-of-Term

The purpose of the Religion Communicators Council according to the members’ adopted bylaws is to provide an environment for the exchange of ideas and the discussion of mutual concerns among professionals, to encourage others to become professionals and recognize achievements and encourage excellence, and to build among members an understanding and appreciation of diverse faith groups and to support the understanding and acceptance of religious faith and faith communities.

The mission of the Religion Communications Council Inc according to the articles of incorporation is to advance the total life of the Church in the US and beyond by encouraging young people to select religious publicity and promotion as a Life Work and Christian vocation, developing fellowship and prestige for professionals working for the Church and its related agencies, and to present a united front speaking with one voice on vital issues involving religious publicity and promotion.

My two-year term of service on the Board of Governors ended in April. I am grateful to the RCC Board of Governors for the professional development offered beginning with a scholarship when I was enrolled in graduate school and continuing through nomination and election first as Communications Committee Chair and then as Membership Committee Chair. I am proud of our success in developing a communications strategy for RCC and building the capacity of the Network to convene conversations and foster communications with cooperating organizations and strategic partners. It was inspiring to judge the work of RCC members and associates for awards, and my favorite accomplishment with RCC support was organizing a pilot program exploring the potential for a new virtual chapter through a “Pacific Coast Interfaith Communicators” newsletter and a webinar for World Interfaith Harmony Week in collaboration with the Parliament of World’s Religions and the United Religions Initiative.

5. World Interfaith Harmony Week: Seeds of Peace

My #WIHW2021 campaign theme “Faith Action for Sustainable Development and the One Trillion Trees Initiative” was endorsed by strategic partners including RCC, URI, SCCPWR, and Religions for Peace. The webinar panel featured Ms. Audrey Kitagawa (President, International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation), Dr. Azza Karam (Secretary General, Religions for Peace International), and Rev. Susan Hayward (U.S. Institute of Peace) in dialogue with Dr. Richard Rose (University of Laverne Director of the Ecumenical Center for Black Church Studies) and Eric Kowalcyzk (Strategia Consulting) with a song debut “We Can Do This Now” by Quincy Coleman, who also shared a music video for Earth Day. The UN Environment Programme (strategic partners with the United Religions Initiative) published policy on the role of faith leaders and faith-based organizations in the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030).

4. Peace Sundays and World Unity Week

“MAKE EVERY SUNDAY PEACE SUNDAYS is One Global Family’s CALL TO ACTION in collaboration with the Unity and Diversity World Council and the United Religions Initiative.  Patrick Horn is a co-producer and co-host for webcast episodes focusing on environmental stewardship. Peace Sundays was also featured during a World Unity Week plenary event on Sacred Activism.

3. Critical Conversation: Faith Engagement with the F.B.I.

We need a bigger blanket for a Brother.” The F.B.I. covertly collected 33 dossiers of transnational organized crime, domestic terrorism, healthcare fraud, bribery, etc. The F.B.I. also gave a classified briefing to Congress about UFOs.

• Extraterrestrials disabled weapons systems; there will be no nuclear war between China and the United States for disclosing the lab origins of the chimeric virus.

2. Countering Aggressive Propaganda: #Faiths4Vaccines etc.

The White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships was reestablished on February 14th and weaponized institutional religion as a “force multiplier” to “combat vaccine hesitancy.”

• Revelation 18:23 – all nations deceived by the merchants and pharmakeia (“sorcerers”), followed by a spiritual victory, the emergence of a Teacher, and a thousand-years golden age of peace and prosperity.

• LDS Alma 46:40 – “And there were some who died with fevers, which at some seasons of the year were very frequent in the land–but not so much so with fevers, because of the excellent qualities of the many plants and roots which God had prepared to remove the cause of disease, to which men were subject by nature of the climate.”

• 89:4 Behold, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evil and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation
• 89:10-11 And again, I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man–Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving
• 56:17-20 Yes, the herbs, and the good things which come of the earth…are made for the benefit and use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart; yea, for food and clothing…to strengthen the body and to enliven the soul. And it pleaseth God that he hath given all these things unto man; for unto this end were they made to be used, with discernment, not to excess, neither by extortion.

The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in a December 2020 note, stated that “vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation,” and “therefore, it must be voluntary.” Affirmed by Catholic bishops on March 17, 2021. “There may be other reasons a person may conclude that they cannot in conscience receive [the alleged vaccine]. The Church clearly teaches that one must always follow one’s conscience that has been sincerely reasoned and formed.”

• Part Three: Section One: Chapter One:
“The Dignity of the Human Person”
Article 6: Moral Conscience
• Part Two: Section Two: Chapter Two:
“The Celebration of the Christian Mystery – The Sacraments of Healing”
Article 5: The Anointing of the Sick

“On the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick”

On April 2nd, I wrote a Letter of Concern to the Religion Communicators Council Board of Governors about the #Faiths4Vaccines coalition campaign, citing the legal and ethical problem of promoting a medical experiment, especially erroneous communications that: (1) creates animosity and divisiveness that denigrate those who do not consent, (2) disseminates false and misleading information [especially stigmatizing dissent as antisemitic conspiracy theory], (3) corrupts the integrity of channels of communication and processes of government [Positive Peace requires the free flow of information and respecting the rights of others], (4) denies due respect to the ideal of free inquiry and the opinion of others, and (5) lacks good taste in the use of language and extravagant claims. The RCC Executive Committee clarified their responsibility in the concern and promptly responded by immediately removing the RCC endorsement from the Faiths4Vaccines website, as noted in my April 6th End-of-Term Open Letter. Contentious exchanges continued in the URI-North America forum, where threads were censored and discussion of the topic was prohibited. A #Faiths4Vaccines youth panel teaching strategies and tactics to “combat vaccine hesitancy” featured URI-North American Regional Coordinator Tahil Sharma, and I was cancelled from the meeting for attempting to share information and dialogue across difference in the chat window. Meanwhile, public representatives and opinion-makers offered coercive incentives like free beer, donuts, cannabis, and money given away by game show; and resistors were under duress from intimidating threats of mandates and restrictions despite available proven alternatives that are safe and effective including dietary therapy, medicinal plants, and traditional healing herbs. I wrote an Open Letter of Complaint on June 6th (with a cease-and-desist order effective immediately) and called Respondents to a “Truth and Reconciliation” Commission, followed by a Finding of Fact based on a preponderance of evidence.

#PharmaKom – “Facebook for Faith Community” also stifled exchange of information and dialogue among members, and banned a ranconteur. The D.C. Attorney General subpoenaed Facebook in an investigation into consumer protection laws violated by “vaccine hesitancy” policies.

WHISTLEBLOWER: A secret social merit index includes a “vaccine hesitancy” score for “enemies of society” that categorizes resistance as either “alarmist criticism” or “indirect discouragement.” Factually correct information is censored, including the lab origins of the chimeric virus.

U.S. Gov’t coordinated with Big Tech to deprive citizens of their rights. Google tried to algorithmically bury evidence of controversial lab work on coronaviruses. A network of “fact checkers” fell in line with the censorship. Global State of Democracy reports “disproportionate, unnecessary, and illegal” steps by aggressive regimes (including U.S.) that were “indefinite or unconnected to the nature of the emergency.” A majority (52%) of young Americans [18-29] believe that our democracy is either in trouble or failing.

D.R.A.S.T.I.C. – Decentralized Radically Autonomous Search Team Investigating COVID-19 released a dossier (https://bit.ly/3zMXB0u) showing the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency – DARPA project plan for the construction of chimeric viruses and evidence of an unpublished collection of 180 strains of biohazardous materials in the possession of EcoHealth Alliance, whose President Peter Daszak coordinated a cover-up of the lab origins. Dr. Francis Collins (National Institutes of Health (NIH)) deceived the American people, and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Dr. Fausty lied to Congress under oath about illegal and unethical gain-of-function experiments. The work was partially-funded through the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Science Foundation (NSF), USAID – US Agency for International Development (U.S. Department of State), Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and U.S. Department of the Interior. The Atlantic (a partner in the COVID Tracking Project with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and Emerson Collective) stigmatized the disclosure of the project plan in aggressive propaganda.

Four U.S. gov’t agencies report low confidence in the natural origin of the chimeric virus, and one agency has moderate confidence in the lab leak hypothesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard University expert to UK Parliament: More likely than not that COVID is a man-made, genetically engineered virus leaked from the Wuhan lab. “We have heard from many top virologists that a genetically engineered origin is reasonable… We know this virus has a unique feature, called the furin cleavage site, and without this feature there is no way this would be causing this pandemic.”

Q: Why is the origin of the chimeric virus important?

UNESCO biotech expert Prof. Giuseppe Tritto is the Executive Director for World Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies, a non-governmental organization that analyzes the effect of genetic engineering on humanity: “Mistaken assumptions about SARS-CoV-2’s aetiology creates ineffective or actively harmful vaccines.”

• PEER-REVIEW of experimental drug efficacy claims: statistically-zero probability of preventing infection and transmission: 1.3% for the AstraZeneca–Oxford, 1.2% for the Moderna–NIH, 1.2% for the J&J, and 0.84% for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines. (https://bit.ly/3uzA2FN)

ICYMI: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) scientist explains how the gene-modification injections are not traditional vaccines and raises multiple safety concerns including: risks of long-term induced pathologies including blood disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune diseases; risk of increased exposure to more severe disease (ADE); the danger of transmission of the toxic spike protein from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated causing injurious symptoms [documented by Pfizer]; and a plausible scenario for permanent alteration of human DNA. The authors recommend dietary therapy, including sunlight to raise vitamin D levels and organic foods that are good sources of vitamin A, C, and K12.

The Mayo Clinic determined that the efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine was 42% — in other words, it does not prevent infection more than half of the time (impacting the risk-benefit calculus) and does not meet the regulatory standard for FDA-approval, which was rubber-stamped based on incomplete data and regardless of reports of deaths or deathly effects and despite ongoing clinical trials through 2023-2025 with further studies required related to dosage, heart inflammation, pregnancies, and pediatrics.

Per The BMJ (British Medical Journal): since late last year, we’ve heard that Pfizer and Moderna’s vaccines are “95% effective” with even greater efficacy against severe disease. In early July, Israel’s Ministry of Health reported that efficacy against infection and symptomatic disease “fell to 64%.” By late July it had fallen to 39% where Delta is the dominant strain [a similar study by the Mayo Clinic showed that efficacy had fallen to 42%]. This is very low. For context, the FDA’s expectation is of at least 50%” efficacy for any approvable vaccine. Waning efficacy has the potential to be far more than a minor inconvenience; it can dramatically change the risk-benefit calculus. And whatever its cause—intrinsic properties of the vaccine, the circulation of new variants, some combination of the two, or something else—the bottom line is that vaccines need to be effective. The FDA granted a marketing license with no reported data past 13 March 2021 based on 7% of trial participants and limited reporting of safety data. The FDA did not convene its advisory committee to discuss data ahead of approving the Pfizer vaccine. A group of approximately 30 clinicians, scientists, and patient advocates determined simply that there are too many open questions to support approval of any alleged vaccine this year.

Researchers warned of a non-theoretical risk of COVID‐19 vaccines worsening clinical disease (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7645850/) requiring a specific, separate, informed consent form and demonstration of patient comprehension in order to meet medical ethics standards. A new study finds infection-enhancing antibodies have a higher affinity for Delta variants and should be further investigated as this may represent a potential increased risk of severe infection among the allegedly vaccinated (https://www.journalofinfection.com/article/S0163-4453(21)00392-3/fulltext). Japanese scientists determined that the chimeric virus would soon acquire complete resistance to vaccines; the “Omicron variant” is vaccine-evasive, and boosters don’t help (https://bit.ly/3IYPBPP); statistical modeling shows high transmissibility and severity of infection (https://bit.ly/3GWkJhe).

Vaccinated show consistent pathophysiological alterations which aggravate diabetes, electrolyte imbalances, renal dysfunction, and coagulation disorders [source: Nature]; vaccinated are 3.5x more likely to develop blot clots [source: American Heart Association]; vaccinated are showing overall-cause mortality at a 24% higher rate than the general population [source: U.S. Food and Drug Administration].

Viscount Ridley, Science and Technology Committee (House of Lords): “We also need to know to deter bad actors who are watching this episode and thinking that unleashing a pandemic is something they could get away with.”

New Zealand High Court ruled that the Pfizer “vaccine” rollout is illegal: https://www.courtsofnz.govt.nz/assets/cases/2021/2021-NZHC-1107.pdf

#FollowTheScienceStigmatizing the unvaccinated is not justified.
Unlike toxic synthetic molecular injections (alleged “vaccines” falsely advertised), medicinal plants are a treasure trove of antiviral bioactive compounds that are generally regarded as safe and require no further testing (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8013762/), including essential oils such as eucalyptus, lavender, thyme, and lemongrass (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7279430/). Compelling scientific research shows that the “Common dandelion [Taraxacum officinale] efficiently blocks the interaction between ACE2 cell surface receptor and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein” (https://bit.ly/3ycfaXK); cinnamon is another traditional guard against illness that impacts COVID-19 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8452493/). The Thai government approved andrographis as an herbal remedy for COVID-19 infection (https://bit.ly/3mglQ3p), and rigorous clinical studies at The University of Chicago show FDA-approved cannibidiol is 98.8% effective against infection and transmission of the chimeric virus (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7987002/).

“Creator made medicines out of the earth, and the wise will not hate them.”
The Wisdom of Jesus, Ecclesiasticus 38:4

#AltVax California Health Freedom Act (SB577) allows alternative and/or complementary healing arts. In California, the current law on informed consent is derived largely from the case of Cobbs vs. Grant (1972) 8 Cal.3d 229 in which it was ruled that a physician is required to disclose “all information relevant to a meaningful decisional process.” See also: HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE – HSC; DIVISION 104. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH [106500 – 119406];
PART 5. SHERMAN FOOD, DRUG, AND COSMETIC LAWS [109875 – 111915]; CHAPTER 6. Drugs and Devices
[111225 – 111656.13]; ARTICLE 4. Experimental Use of Drugs [111515 – 111545]. According to CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE 51(b): All persons within the jurisdiction of this state are free and equal, and no matter what their sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, citizenship, primary language, or immigration status are entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges, or services in all business establishments of every kind whatsoever. Civil action for deprivation of rights is defined by 42 U.S. Code § 1983.

Senate Bill 412 calls for a ten-member Pandemic Commission with judicial powers to hold hearings, gather evidence, determine facts, and make policy recommendations and other proposals based on “lessons learned” from the U.S. response, including the origins and spread of the virus, and the “collateral damage” from imposing public health measures, the development and approval of alleged vaccines, safety and privacy concerns, economic and national security concerns, and the role of big tech in political interference and censorship of the scientific debate.

1. Appointment to Global Interfaith University Governing Council – Dean of Academic Affairs

Patrick Horn has been appointed to the Governing Council of Global Interfaith University, an accredited non-profit distance learning organization with a compelling vision of high-quality liberal arts education for human potential. The Founder/President Emmanuel Ande Ivorgba writes: “You are a great interfaith leader, an excellent scholar, a reputable and compassionate development practitioner and renowned Peacebuilder. Your appointment on the Governing Council of Global Interfaith University is clearly a confirmation of the amazing personal qualities that you possess, and which you have demonstrated over the years. We all look forward to working very closely and learning together, from your wealth of wisdom, knowledge, and many years of practice.” Patrick will serve as Dean of Academic Affairs.

2019 – Year In Review

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The momentum from 2017 and 2018 continues in my interfaith ministry and the “Network for Religion, Media, and Civic Life” bridging academia, journalists, and policymakers to increase the public understanding of religion and its impacts in many domains. Here’s my “top ten” memories from the Year of the Earth Pig:

10. American Academy of Religion


Reading Religion is an open-access book review website published by the American Academy of Religion [AAR], the world’s largest association of academics who research or teach topics related to religion. Launched in 2016, the site provides up-to-date coverage of publishing in religious studies, reviewed by scholars with special interest and/or expertise in the relevant subfields. Reviews are concise, comprehensive, and timely.

This year I read four books regarding literature and religion: an archetypal interpretation of the Gospel of John, an explication of the enigmatic mode, an inquiry into the grammar of messianism, and the legacy of Aldous Huxley. Due to editorial staff transitions, the latter two articles will be forthcoming in the new year. I phoned in an appearance (including fire alarms) at #AARSBL2019 which generated over 8,000 impressions.

For professional development, I completed the KAICIID certificate program on “Interreligious Dialogue to Strengthen Peace, Reconciliation, and Social Cohesion.” I was also accepted as a fellow (Spring 2020) of the Institute for Digital Civic Culture at the University of Southern California.

9. “High Church? Marijuana, Mushrooms, and Drug-related Religious Activism”

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God-beat journalists gathered for their annual conference in Sin City. I proposed the #RNA2019 breakout panel moderated by Kelsey Dallas, editor of ReligionLink. The Religion News Service (editor-in-chief Bob Smietana) also published my opinion as the last word in their year-end predictions for the 2020s.

8. Religion Communicators Council: Board of Governors, Chairman of the Communications Committee

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The Religion Communicators Council (RCC), founded in 1929, is an association of communications professionals who work for and with a diverse group of faith-based organizations in the areas of communications, public relations, advertising and development. Members represent a variety of communications disciplines, including: editors, writers and designers, photographers, videographers, broadcast, social media, web developers, marketers, fundraisers, project managers, and students.

At the end of a two-year professional development scholarship, I was elected to the Board of Governors during the Spring convention with the Associated Church Press in Chicago (#TheWorldTeacherIsHere with producers from CBS). We will join over 100 partner organizations for the Religion Communicators Congress on St. Patrick’s Day 2020 in Washington D.C. (the Papal coronation tiara is stored in the U.S. National Cathedral). The theme will be “Faith in Public Life.” Speakers include Dr. Azza Karam (Secretary General of Religions for Peace International), Rev. Susan Hayward (Senior Advisor for Religion and Inclusive Societies at the U.S. Institute of Peace), and Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi (Executive Director of the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers).

7. World Interfaith Harmony Week at United Nations HQ in NY


In a three-tier diplomatic system, Track II intermediaries are informal agents and private citizens from non-governmental organizations, religious institutions, academia, think tanks, and humanitarian groups. I joined youth leaders for meetings at United Nations HQ in New York  regarding the role of faith-based organizations in financing sustainable development, the role of religious actors in the prevention of atrocity crimes, and efforts for nuclear disarmament. We also enjoyed a concert hosted by Unity Earth at Unity Palace, an official event of the NGO Committee for Spirituality, Values, and Global Concerns. I wrote a full report for the United Religions Initiative, an international grassroots interfaith network with consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

6. United Religions Initiative

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Michael Pappas of the San Francisco Interfaith Council moderated a conversation with  United Religions Initiative  founders Bishop William E. Swing (Ret.) and Rita Semel, and Executive Director Victor Kazanjian at the Commonwealth Club. They discussed the origins of URI, how interfaith bridgebuilding works, and the future prospects for the harmony of religions. 

The United Religions Initiative announced a strategic partnership with the Institute for Economics and Peace during the Positive Peace conference. URI Executive Director Victor Kazanjian and Elias Szczytnicki from Religions for Peace discussed how faith-based networks are uniquely poised to mediate across conflict through strong interreligious constituencies in collaboration with other sectors in a shared agenda aimed at peace and prosperity.

URI is also partnered with the International Center for Religion and Diplomacy. Executive Director James Patton wrote about interfaith action in global peacebuilding for the Bush Center. URI is networked with 150 organizations and a worldwide audience of more than 20,000,000 people.

5. #AcceleratePeace


This summer, URI gathered peacebuilders from around the world at Stanford University to discuss challenges to peace, both in their local communities and as global citizens, and to manifest action-oriented solutions for the common good. The diplomatic work of URI was enthusiastically endorsed by former Secretary of Defense General Jim Mattis.

4. Compassionate California Screen Shot 2019-12-30 at 5.01.44 PM.png The Silicon Valley Interreligious Council (a United Religions Initiative cooperation circle) recently organized an interfaith panel for a California State Assembly hearing on Compassionate California (ACR 108). Similar resolutions are underway in other states. Read all about it in my article written for URI.

3. Faith For Forests Screen Shot 2019-12-30 at 5.40.24 PM.png We are facing abrupt, irreversible climate change and near-term human extinction. But we are not yet defeated. Even if we see all the signs of the end of the world, we will still plant a tree. This can be a good time! Our goal is to plant a trillion trees, and a unique coalition is moving forward together, including the Catholic Church (which hosted a controversial Amazonian Synod), the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative, and #TeamTrees (crowdfunding launched by the top YouTube stars).

2. Faith-and-Works Movement @Google / #TheWorldTeacherIsHere @Facebook technoloply.pngMay the Fourth” #NDA – I was recruited in graduate school by the Intelligence Community Center of Academic Excellence to study the intersection of religious doctrine, economies, and global security, with an emphasis on narrative as a tool for social mobilisation and peacebuilding. I am an unpaid consultant to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (inventors of the internet), and I am indoctrinated in the Sentry Eagle program (core NSA secrets). My activities are monitored by computer. Google AI engineers had a moral dilemma and invited me to lunch and a prayer circle. The Google Area 120 broom closet (7th-floor SF HQ) is a hidden speakeasy and corner office arranged for a game of bluff.

FYI: Google Compute Engine Incident 19003, Facebook Global Security Red Team Manager#BattlefieldIllusion #VoiceOfGodWeapon : #100YSS Principal Dr. Mae Jemison [pictured at #GCAS2018 Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco] – “We’re not talking about avatar—No, we might, we might, we might.” 100 Year Starship Honorary Chairman is “Big Dog Billy Jeff” Clinton – “There is one other connection I have that I think is largely unknown…”


1. Pacific Coast Prophecy

After the 1893 Parliament of World’s Religions, the Bank of England gave an enigmatic group of mystics the equivalent of $5-billion to develop 25-million acres along the Pacific Coast as a stage set for the advent of the Future Buddha (“Fameseeker” in the Lotus Sutra).


i love LA.png A CITY UPON THE HILL – The Krotona Plan included “temples, schools, and cities” and a Hollywood Hills estate intended as a home for the Christ of the Aquarian Age. In 2019, a whistleblower revealed that the Latter-Day Saints saved $125-billion for the Return of the Christ. You know how the Mormons are about Leap Day!

hollywood ashram.png Doctor-Proficient: I joined the Vedanta Society in 2003, and I sang in the choir, attended lectures and classes, and served the senior monks. I became a voting member in 2008, discovered my interfaith mission in the midst of a heroic ordeal in 2009, and received mantra initiation from Swami Swahananda in 2010. He invited me to join the Order to write and lecture, and I received monastic training in San Francisco in 2015 – 2016.

desert bloom.png“Almost all of the secret societies of the past have been dedicated to clean-up jobs.” – MPH33* (Los Angeles Scottish Rite Temple 1990)


Pictured below: Vatican II investigation, NASA coin toss, ecclesiastical determination in secret council, Pope Benedict quits, lightning strikes the Vatican twice, Pope Francis gives away St Peter’s relics, Christian church leaders unite, peace at St Patrick’s Cathedral. Promotion is good and necessary. Give information, and tell the story.

prophecy fulfilled.pngThe Philosopher-King is a Neo-Brahmin and bodhisattva unrestricted by cloistered austerities, the incarnate good will and conscience of mankind, and the answer to the powers that hypnotize and destroy. Gerald Heard warned that humankind could avert extinction only by a new vision. Aldous Huxley imagined small-scale producer cooperatives enabling a rebirth of democracy and a more ethical relationship with Nature.

home.pngMeanwhile, back at the Ranch… Marie’s Farm is managed by Simm’s Organics for Pescadero Grown. My local civic engagement includes town planning and emergency management.

18-month Countdown: Mass Extinction Warning


These words are meant only for those who are ready for them. I offer no hope or solutions for the survival of our species, only companionship and empathy. There are no known technologies that can be deployed at world scale to reverse the atmospheric warming, and many climate scientists feel that the window for action is already closed, that we have passed the tipping point and the heat is on a runaway trajectory no matter what we do. Some of the consequences we face are mass die-offs due to widespread drought, flooding, fires, forest mortality, epidemic diseases and ocean acidification — all of which we now see in preview. If we make it through this onslaught of threats, we will still be facing starvation. 

There has never been a greater news story than that of humans facing full extinction, and yet it  is as though the world’s astronomers were telling us that an asteroid is heading our way and will make a direct hit destined to wipe out all of life to which the public responds by remaining fascinated with sporting events, social media, the latest political scandals and celebrity gossip. We love to be distracted, and we have numerous ways of doing that in our time. We pay big money for the privilege, and we run around chasing objects and experiences. We seem to be evolutionarily designed to put aside or entirely ignore future threats and instead focus only on immediate concerns and personal desires. This is understandable since for most of human history there was nothing we could do about future possibilities or events occurring far from where we lived. With some notable exceptions, evolution didn’t select for long-term survival planning. Being concerned about climate change does not come naturally to us. Unless climate chaos is a threat to us today, we don’t think about it. For millennia we  relied on our highly developed sense apparatus as physical creatures to gauge changes and threats in our environment — changes of temperature, weight, pressure, sound or smell. If changes occur at a slow enough pace, they can fly under the radar of our notice.

As you begin to awaken to the specter of extinction, you will likely feel the powerful lure of your usual distractions. You may want to go back to sleep. But denial will become harder and harder to maintain because once your attention has turned to this subject, you will see the evidence of it everywhere, both locally and globally. You will find yourself among the throngs of humanity who are easily distracted and amused, playing with their toys as the house burns, “tranquilized by the trivial,” as Kierkegaard said, and speaking of the future as though it was going to go on as it has. After all, we made it this far. We have proven our superiority at figuring things out and removing obstacles to our desires. We killed off most of the large wild mammals and most of the indigenous peoples to take their lands. We bent nature to our will, paved over her forests and grasslands, rerouted and dammed her rivers, dug up her “ancient sunlight,” and burned that dead creature goo into the atmosphere so that our vehicles could motor us around on land, sea, and air and our weapons could keep our enemies in check. And now we have given Mother Earth a high fever.

You may find yourself in the company of people who seem to have no awareness of the consequences we face or who don’t want to know or who might have a momentary inkling but cannot bear to face it. You may find that people become angry if you steer the conversation in the direction of planetary crisis. You may sense that you are becoming a social pariah due to what you see, even when you don’t mention it, and you may feel lonely in the company of most people you know. It is helpful to realize that most people are not ready for this conversation. They may never be ready, just as some people die after a long illness, still in denial that death was at their doorstep. Some can handle the truth of our situation but most will run from it as though their sanity depended on not seeing it. 

As your awareness metabolizes the deadly threats ahead and the unlikeliness of solutions that will change the course, you might find a strange reordering of your thoughts and motivations.  You may marvel at how many personal conversations with people you know or news items from around the world assume that human life carries on indefinitely. You may find it difficult to hold interest in these conversations and stories. But the habit of future thinking is a hard one to shake. Letting go of the future means reordering your tendencies of thinking about the future. How psychologically invested you have been in your ideas and hopes about the future will likely determine how well you adapt to ignoring those kinds of thoughts as they arise. You may also find a stronger habit in present awareness begin to prevail.

You may feel fury at times in seeing the desecration of the natural world and in realizing its destruction is due to human activity on the planet. We plunged forward with each new way of doing things, each new invention, because it made life easier at the time. There was no intention to destroy ourselves. On the contrary, for most of the time since the Industrial Revolution, it seemed that life was getting better for greater numbers of people. With medical advances, we wiped out most of the contagious deadly diseases, controlled infections and greatly extended life expectancy. We built transportation capabilities that allowed us to travel to the far ends of the earth in a day and thereby learn of other cultures while on their own turf. And then we hooked up with each other in a world of instantaneous communication, which has been a whole lot of fun. But we didn’t factor in the cost of all this bounty as we built modern civilization. We didn’t understand that running the world on fossil fuels that were needed for our machinery — our cars, planes, cargo ships, tankers, electric grids and just about everything — would someday plunge us into a catastrophe. 

I am aware that few people are either ready to hear this information now or will be prepared to face what is ahead in time. It is pointless to try to warn them if they are not ready. My attempts at hinting usually lead to blank stares or agitation. I have come to accept that for some people, their fate is to continue the romp of life, oblivious to the dangers ahead. Maybe it is best that they enjoy whatever good times are left, even though there might be extreme panic in the last phase. Maybe it is just as well that they continue as they have been for as long as possible. Maybe it will postpone chaos and lawlessness until the systems fully crash. But for those of us who cannot look away, we carry the anticipatory grief for those who cannot bear to look.

To stay steady, you may be forced into a witnessing presence, vast enough to contain your grief. You may acclimate to living with grief without the assumption that it should or will dissipate. Despite this or because of it, you may notice a growing tendency to appreciate simple moments of connection and many small joys. We live in a time when managing our attention will be all the more necessary to stay calm and to allow us to enjoy and be helpful in whatever time is left. Developing the habit of redirecting your awareness when your mind is lost in fear or troubling stories induces strength along the way. Despite our having caused so much destruction, it is important to also consider the wide spectrum of possibilities that make up a human life. Yes, on one end of that spectrum is greed, cruelty and ignorance; on the other end is generosity, compassion and wisdom. That is most needed now. 

Edited from the long-form essay “Facing Extinction” by Catherine Ingram.

Oslo Tropical Forest Forum 2018

On June 28, 2018, Gunnar Stålsett, Honorary President of Religions for Peace, gave a briefing to the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum on the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative, the emerging multi-faith alliance of Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and Taoist religious leaders and faith communities united to protect the world’s tropical forests. He outlined a vision and objectives: dialogue and consensus-building for solidarity among spiritual leaders, politicians, academics, business and industry captains, scientists, and indigenous communities; raise awareness and facilitate education with information and tools; and, mobilize coalitions and commitments among governments and companies to be honest, respect laws, and fulfill policy goals. He described the project as different faiths in common action aligning religion to reality and inspiring reality to take religion seriously.

Erik Solheim, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, the lead implementing agency and publisher of Foresight, discussed building popular opinion through every sector of society; networking with grassroots efforts and citizen movements; and, persuading Amazonians of a more prosperous and better life through economic development.

Fletcher Harper, Executive Director of GreenFaith and member of project’s steering committee, suggested success can be measured in advocacy efforts (especially action among shareholders and investors), moral and operational agreements, and public statements/declarations/op-eds. He also stated a need for religions and others to acknowledge the long and complicated history of oppression and exploitation so as to rebuild trust and honest partnerships.

Josien Aloema-Tokoe of COICA urged preserving the language and cultural traditions of indigenous peoples as well as training and empowering youth.

Mauricio Lopez Oropeza of REPAM Red Eclesial Panamazónica championed the values of reciprocity, collaboration, and local sovereignty; made an appeal to correct inequality, human rights violations, and censorship; and embraced an ethical approach founded in love, honor, and courage.

Din Syamsuddin, Chairman of the Center for Dialogue and Cooperation Among Civilizations, identified key challenges in forest burning, illegal logging, and river pollution and also highlighted a new widespread attitude of respect for living nature.

Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous People, made a special appearance to condemn assassinations of forest guardians and criminalizing opposition to abuse and destruction.

The Pontifical Academy of SciencesEthics in Action project sent video greetings from the Vatican.

Vatican Hosts Meetings to Save Our Planet

The Vatican recently hosted multiple conferences on environmental stewardship and related issues such as poverty, indigenous rights, migrants and refugees, healthcare, employment, and empowering youth.

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On May 15, the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue organized a conference on the theme, “Dharma and Logos – Dialogue and Cooperation in a Complex Age.” 200 representatives of traditions originating in India participated in the meeting with Christians and committed to working together for human dignity and environmental stewardship.


On June 8-9, the world’s top oil company chiefs gathered in Rome for “Energy Transition and Care for our Common Home,” a conference on climate change and transitioning away from fossil fuel dependence. Attendees included senior executives from British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell, Norway’s Equinor, Mexico’s Pemex, and ExxonMobil joined by major international financiers, asset managers, and executives in charge of public pension funds.

Pope Francis advocated for a long-term global strategy to provide energy security and precise commitments to meet the problem of climate change, encourage economic stability, public health, the protection of the environment, and integral human development. He said, “This is a challenge of epochal proportions.”


On July 5-6, the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development convened an ecological leadership summit to commemorate the third anniversary of the encyclical Laudato Si’. The conference “Saving Our Common Home and the Future of Life on Earth” orients forthcoming events such as the Global Climate Action Summit, the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Group (WBG), and the 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

In his opening remarks, Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin commented on the broken relation between man and God, neighbor, and the Earth. He warned that the situation is precarious and totters on the edge of catastrophe.

Pope Francis also spoke to participants. He expressed concern that an unsustainable contemporary lifestyle will leave future generations only rubble, deserts, and trash. He invited serious involvement from youth and indigenous peoples, especially those from the Amazon region. He said, “It is the young who will have to face the consequences of the current environmental and climate crisis… It grieves us to see the lands of indigenous peoples expropriated and their cultures trampled on by predatory schemes and by new forms of colonialism, fueled by the culture of waste and consumerism… How much we can learn from them!”

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On July 8-10, Catholics assembled with experts from the business sector, banks, academia, philanthropic foundations, humanitarian organizations and many others interested in concrete ways to support at-risk youth, migrants and refugees, and climate change adaptation. The Impact Investing conference is a catalyst for collaboration and commitments to address systemic challenges and help the most vulnerable around the world.

Religions Seek Disarmament Pact

“For practical purposes, military deceptions are jokes.”
– Red Team Handbook

U.S. President Donald Trump’s schizophrenic attitude toward North Korea alternates from insults (“Rocket Man”), threats of annihilation (“fire and fury”), and other bluster (“much bigger and more powerful Nuclear Button”) to saying he’d be “honored” to meet Kim Jong-un “under the right circumstances,” boasting of a “very good relationship,” and declining to say whether or not he is in direct talks.

Expert opinions range from fear of catastrophic war to imagining a reunified Korean peninsula. Now there is widespread shock that Trump agreed to meet with the North Korean leader at a summit this spring. If international relations professionals and journalists were more attentive to religion and its powerful role in diplomacy, then they wouldn’t blindsided by its impact in global affairs (or hoodwinked by counterintelligence/government propaganda and complicit in disinformation campaigns).


Multi-track negotiations include informal talks, intervention by non-state actors, and official government communications. The emblematic display by Team Korea during the 2018 Winter Olympics was a public exhibition of conflict resolution and new partnerships facilitated by religious groups.

20171110T0959-1756-CNS-POPE-NUCLEAR-CONFERENCE cIn November 2017, the Vatican hosted a conference on the topic of disarmament  including Nobel prize winners, top officials from the United Nations and NATO, diplomats, nuclear weapons experts, scholars, activists, and faith leaders. Pope Francis said, “International relations cannot be held captive to military force, mutual intimidation, and the parading of stockpiles of arms.”

980x520-NCCKGroupPhoto-980x520The World Council of Churches has a long history of engagement, including convening delegates for a peace treaty. The Religious Freedom and Business Foundation also used its influence, including an alliance with former U.N. General Secretary Ban Ki-moon’s Business for Peace initiative.

28870381_978201842343575_6754870521127293640_n27459140_1591909324231825_8724499890812763329_nThese efforts were ignored by national media and largely hidden from public sight. When Trump appears for a photo op next month, he will no doubt take responsibility for this historic success, and the press will parrot his claims. Let us give credit where credit is due.

Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships


The White House Press Secretary was questioned on Tuesday about the administration’s lack of an Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, which is charged with outreach and funding for social service programs subcontracted to religious organizations and philanthropic institutions. Sarah Huckabee Sanders dismissed the question by saying, “I don’t think an office is what determines the faith of the administration.”

This was quickly followed by an interview with Johnnie Moore, the gatekeeper and point man of the President’s informal advisory group of evangelical clergy. He said the purpose of the official council was “to keep the faith community out of the West Wing.”

“This is a scurrilous lie” replied Shaun Casey, former Special Ambassador at the State Department Office of Religion and Global Affairs, now closed.

Jack Jenkins, national reporter for the Religion News Service previously wrote on Trump dismantling Bush-Obama religion initiatives and the faith leaders quietly steering Trump’s policies. He tweeted that the unofficial assembly led by controversial pastor Paula White is solely evangelical Christian, lacks transparency and accountability, and circumvents the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

The Religion News Service detailed the unprecedented access of an exclusive group of religious leaders to the President and its dogmatically motivated priorities. Robert P. Jones of the Public Religion Research Institute speculates the political alliance is a desperate bargain of a grieving clique to counter a demographic decline and fade of cultural influence.

Huckabee also said, ““I think we actually have more people front and center speaking openly about their faith and advocating and helping build on that foundation than probably any previous administration.”

Her comments indicate complete ignorance about the purpose and limits of the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, intended as a government collaboration with religious and secular non-profit organizations involved in feeding the poor, job training and workforce development, ending veteran homelessness, disaster response, drug abuse prevention, combatting human trafficking, refugee resettlement, and more. Taxpayer funds may not be used to support religious instruction, worship, or proselytizing.

Viewed from an interfaith perspective, there are two problems with the present confusion and mismanagement that disrupts the goals of the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. First, there are many organizations engaged in social activities for the common good that are now in want of funding for services that address shared national problems. Second, the sectarian bias of the current administration marginalizes and rejects the diverse voices in our country and sabotages understanding and cooperation. Both problems result in a weaker civil society.